The “How” of Building an Inclusive Economy

Make the case for CHANGE.

We are currently at a critical inflection point: 70+ million Americans are excluded from the workforce because they don’t have a four-year degree or have been impacted by the criminal justice system. Meanwhile, employers across the country are struggling to find and keep talent — especially in frontline roles. Frontline workers make up the majority of our workforce, and yet receive the least amount of support and advancement opportunities.

Through our Make the Case campaign, we are telling the stories of how leading employers leveraged untapped talent to solve critical business needs while transforming lives and communities in the process. Through summer 2024, we’ll be releasing new case studies that dive into companies’ inclusive employment journeys.

Our Case Study Library

Breaking Barriers in Banking:
The Case for Skills-Based Hiring

How BMO leveraged skills-based hiring to hire more than 100 Associate Bankers, creating an onramp into the banking industry for untapped talent across the country

Reassembling the Workforce:
The Case for Fair Chance Hiring

How JBM Packaging built a Fair Chance Program to solve an impending labor shortage and the ways it transformed their company and deepened its purpose

The Case for Frontline Worker
Support & Advancement

How a leading healthcare system reduced turnover and attracted top talent by providing essential supportive services and creating pathways to career success

Case studies written in partnership with Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Fair-Chance Hiring Is a Win-Win for Companies and Job Seekers

How companies make the case for justice-impacted job seekers who have been overlooked, despite their qualifications and readiness to work

Skills-Based Hiring Can Shred the Paper Ceiling

How employers close the gap between job requirements and the actual skills needed for a given role, focusing on capabilities over credentials

Supporting Frontline Workers Is a Boon to the Bottom Line

How organizations provide frontline workers, who make up the backbone of our workforce, with the necessary support, flexibility, and advancement to thrive

For employers who believe in fair chances

Our latest study follows the steps JBM Packaging, an Ohio-based manufacturing company, took to build their Fair Chance Program. Since 2016, JBM has employed more than 109 formerly justice-involved individuals in search of a new beginning.

For employers ready to hire for skills

In this study, we chronicle the journey BMO, a major North American bank, took to launch their inclusive employment initiative, BMORE. In just three years, the firm has hired more than 100 Associate Bankers from underserved communities.

Get notified when the next case study publishes!

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